GraceLink is a 12 year curriculum comprising of 624 lessons, all of which are firmly grounded in Scripture. Most lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series:


The demonstration of God’s love for us. He sent His Son to die in our place, to redeem us, and to accept us unto Himself that we might live with Him forevermore.


Is our response to God’s love. Because He first loved us, we love Him. Because He gave His Son to die in our place, we worship Him. We worship Him through praise, through our lifestyle, and through our stewardship of all that He has provided for us.


Involves our relationship with those around us, with our immediate family, our church family, our friends, and with other Christians who know God’s love.


Is our outreach to others, to those who may not know and love the Jesus we serve. It is to them that we give the invitation to become a part of the family of God. It is to them that we take a message of hope for the future.

Because each lesson centres on a single message, each telling of a Bible story is focused - not simply ‘watered-down.’ Often a story is revisited elsewhere in the curriculum with another point of focus. This is a thematic curriculum; only one teaching point is made at a time from a specific Bible story.



Lessons for ages birth to 2

Beginner lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.



Lessons for ages 3 to 4

Primary lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.



Ages 5 to 9

Primary lessons are story-based, some on scriptural references that teach a specific doctrine. Each story has been selected to develop one of the four dynamics of the GraceLink series: grace, worship, community, and service.



Junior PowerPoints is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide designed for Juniors and Earliteens. The lessons draw on Bible stories in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation and are designed to be incorporated in their daily Bible study.

Each lesson is based on a Bible story or scriptural passage, and each one includes questions for discussion and supporting texts that highlight Bible principles, helping the young learners draw lessons for application.



Real Time Faith lessons are designed for Earliteens to incorporate in their daily Bible study. The lessons provide the basis for learning and discussion in the Earliteen Sabbath School class.



Cornerstone Connections is the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide developed for high school teens and is based on a four-year ‘through-the-Bible’ study curriculum. The lessons are intended for teens to use in their daily Bible study and to provide the basis for learning and discussion in youth Sabbath School.

Each lesson is based on a Bible story or scriptural passage and provides questions for deeper study, discussion, and supportive texts that highlight Bible principles, helping the young learners draw lessons for application.