We pray that the resources and opportunities for prayer included here will be a blessing to you, your families and your local church prayer meetings, as together we prepare for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour!

If there was ever a time when we needed to be pressing together in earnest, united prayer – it’s today!


Intercession | Intercessory Prayer:



1.) The action of intervening on behalf of another.

2.) The action of saying a prayer on behalf of another.


In Isaiah 56:7 God calls His house a "house of prayer" - we believe that prayer is powerful in that it brings community together.

Regularly connecting with God, our Heavenly Father, is an integral part of being close to Him.

Prayer is talking to God as a Friend. It allows us to have a intimate relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We pray to God, our Heavenly Father on behalf of others and for others. We find this example in Jesus Himself.

Throughout His life, Jesus prayed for all people.



Read more about prayer in the book, Prayer by Ellen White, which is available to read online.

Paperback versions are also available to purchase here



Need prayer?

Let us know how we can pray for you

If you have a prayer request, our confidential prayer team would love to start praying for you and your request.

Please note that we do not require your name or contact details if you would prefer to stay anonymous.

Add your prayer request in the box provided.

If you would like someone from the church leadership team to contact you, please leave your contact details and click on the ‘submit’ button below: